Registration/Payment 2025/2026 season
Last Updated: March 3, 2025
In the years post-covid, the membership numbers have returned and exceeded past maximum membership. Given our mandate to serve our existing members, we must make changes to registration to allow ourselves more time to fairly manage the leagues.
In keeping with what other clubs in the area are doing and to allow the club sufficient time to react to the changes in registration, we will be moving the dates for registration and payment into the summer months.
Registration will now require ranking of your preferred leagues. Returning members must register and pay before the Membership Preference Date (MPD) to ensure priority is maintained.
To fairly distribute the curling opportunities at the club, we require both registration and payment to confirm interest for returning members. This provides the necessary data for the Draw and Membership committees to fairly populate the leagues.
Our goal is to complete registration, payment and allocation of leagues before the end of August.
Key Dates to Remember
June 13 |
Email sent to returning Members detailing when registration and payment dates will occur. All relevant dates are conveyed.
July 2 |
Open curling registration/payment online and in-person registration/payment July 4 and 5 (Friday/Saturday). Or, by appointment with the club manager.
July 11 |
Membership Preference Date (MPD)
Deadline for Payment for registration to maintain priority for returning members.
Aug 15 |
Returning Members and new members get confirmation of what leagues they will be in by Aug 15.
Returning Members
- For returning fixed teams there must be a registration and payment made by the skip/owner and one player, or 3 players by the Membership Preference Date (MPD)
- For returning members wanting to join a fixed league, they must do so by registering and putting the team on the waitlist.
- For returning members wanting to join an open draw or social league, they do so by registering for the league.
New Members
- Account creation on the website is the first step.
- Once the account is completed and accepted, registration can be performed
- Once existing members Membership Preference Date (MPD) has passed, spaces will be offered to new members based on waitlist priority.
- Waitlist is set for new members by when payment is received for their registration.
- Payment is required to secure spots offered on the waitlist.
The waitlist is intended to include 3 levels of priority for fixed leagues:
- Returning members who played in the league in the previous season
- Returning members who would like to join the league
- New club members
Note: priority does not guarantee a spot (registration and payment are needed).
Draw and Social Leagues:
- No limit on registration of leagues
- Individual needs to select priority for each league selection
- The Draw Convenor shall work to satisfy all selections and priorities but cannot guarantee. Returning members of a league will have higher priority over other club members and new members
- Priorities and the number of draw rounds and/or leagues you have registered for will be used as factors in the determination
- Where a league selection is not assigned, you will go onto a waitlist for that league and any draw round within that league
- Note that non-assignment of selection may occur in a league for individual draw rounds, but subsequent draw rounds will take into consideration your registration selections. So, you will not face total season eliminations from any draw rounds within a selected league.
- The wait list will be used for continual draw rounds selection within leagues throughout the season.
- Do I need to register? All returning members must register for their leagues (including fixed teams) and pay for their membership. We strongly recommend paying when you register to ensure your priority is maintained.
- What if I need help to register? For members needing help with registration, registration and payment can be accepted online or in person on July 4 and 5 or by appointment with the club manager. The Membership Preference Date of July 11th still applies. This is the deadline for payment for registration to maintain priority for returning members.
- Will I get into all the leagues that I curled in last year? While we cannot provide a guarantee of fitting you into every league or for every round of play in the draw/social leagues, we will do all we can to accommodate your preferences while being fair to all members in the club.
- Can I pay more and get into another draw? No.
- Can I pay in instalments? No. Paying in instalments creates more work and costs more money.
- Why does it take so long to find out which draws I’m in? Because we need time to determine the fair distribution of curling opportunities. We start with returning curlers to the league, returning members to the club and then new members. In each case, they must not only have priority, but they must have also paid to confirm their spots.
- Can we have registration in June? No, not until we move our AGM. The AGM approves the budget including the membership fees for the next year.
- What are the Refund policies? If you are a single game member category and do not get into the league you registered for then a full refund is applicable if you decide not to join another available league. You must apply for the refund. If you are a full member (senior or regular) and get into 2 or more of your selected leagues, then no refund is applicable. Other reasons for a refund as per the existing policy are still applicable.
- If I am returning to a fixed team, do I need to register or does just the skip register? All returning members to a fixed team must register for the that fixed team. The team should be identified by the name of your skip.
- What about a late payment fee? We no longer have a late payment fee. However, you should be aware if payment is not received by the Membership Preference Date (July 11) you will lose priority. No individual will be allowed to curl who has not paid.
- When will registration to leagues be confirmed? Returning Members and New Members would get an understanding of what leagues they will be in by Aug 15. Leagues should be revealed at the same time. More information will be provided in the registration email on June 13.
- Will there be a place on the registration form where I can list more than 3 league preferences? Yes, but we will be focused on your first 3 preferences. We will do our best to accommodate any additional preferences.
- What happens if I’m on a fixed team where only 2 members are returning? Please reach out to the Draw Convenors if you need assistance finding other members for your team. However, all teams must have at least 3 members registered and paid.
- How do I get on the waitlist for a fixed league? Send an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and indicate the league you would like to join and the other members of the fixed team. You may also give your name as an individual and the draw convenor will attempt to place you on a team if an appropriate place becomes available.