The Richmond Curling club offers several different league options to meet the interests of its members.
There are three basic categories:
Fixed Leagues - Teams are fixed for the season and register as a team. Individuals can also register for Fixed Leagues by indicating on the Registration Form that they are looking for a team. Convenors will make every effort to place individuals on a team but it is not guaranteed. Fixed Leagues are more competitive.
Draw Leagues - Teams are redrawn four to five times per season. Individuals register to play in the league and the conveners make up the teams based on the skill level and experience of registrants.
Learn to Curl - This ten week on ice program is aimed at people that have not curled before but would be interested in learning or may have curled previously and would like a refresher.
Monday Morning - Open Fixed (Cash League)
8:30 am and 10:45 am
Open to all members on a team entry basis, individuals may register but there is no guarantee they will be placed on a team. - small entry fee,
Monday Early Afternoon - Open Draw
1:00 pm
Individual entries, open to all members, - teams reformed every 4 to 5 weeks by committee. Individuals may register but there is no guarantee they will be placed on a team depending on number of players registered and number of leagues/draws per week registered.
Monday Evening - Ladies Draw
6:45 & 9:00 pm
Individual entries, open to all female members, teams formed by committee every four to five weeks - junior curlers are eligible, but are placed on a team on an as needed basis, and are eligible to spare. This is a good option for newer, less experienced members as they can gain experience and develop skill levels in a less competitive environment. New members get to play with several different team mates during the year so they integrate more quickly into the Club.
Tuesday Morning - 'Drop In'
9:30 am -
Individual entries, open to all members, - teams are formed each week from those players who show up on that day and time.Individual entries, open to all members, - teams reformed every 4 to 5 weeks by committee.
Individuals may register but there is no guarantee they will be placed on a team depending on number of players registered and number of leagues/draws per week registered.
Tuesday Early Afternoon - Open Draw
Tuesday Draw - 1:00 pm - individual entries, open to all members, - teams reformed every 4 - 5 weeks by committee
Individual entries, open to all members, - teams reformed every 4 to 5 weeks by committee. Individuals may register but there is no guarantee they will be placed on a team depending on number of players registered and number of leagues/draws per week registered.
Tuesday Late Afternoon - Light Rocks (formerly Little Rocks)
Tuesday at 4:15 pm. Ages 8-12 inclusive
Tuesday Evening - Open Fixed
6:45 & 9:00 pm
Open to all members on a team entry basis, individuals may register but there is no guarantee they will be placed on a team. - depending on number of teams, there may be byes and/or overflow games played on Monday evening at 9 pm
Wednesday Afternoon - Open Draw
12:30 pm -
Individual entries, open to all members, - teams reformed every 4 - 5 weeks by committee
Individual entries, open to all members, - teams reformed every 4 to 5 weeks by committee. Individuals may register but there is no guarantee they will be placed on a team depending on number of players registered and number of leagues/draws per week registered.
Wednesday Evening - Ladies Fixed
4:40 pm
Open to all female members on a team entry basis, restricted to 9 teams - preference is given to returning teams.
Wednesday Night - Men's League
6:45 & 9:00 pm
Individual entries, open to all male members, teams formed by the convener every 4 to 5 weeks - junior members are eligible, but are placed on a team on an as needed basis, they are eligible to spare This is a good option for newer, less experienced members where they can gain experience and develop skill levels in a less competitive environment. New members get to play with several different team members during the year so they integrate more quickly into the Club.
Thursday - Open Draw
9:00am and 11:15am
Individual entries, open to all members, - teams rotate through starting times during each series. - teams reformed every four to five weeks. - If numbers warrant, a fourth draw will be established
Individual entries, open to all members, - teams reformed every 4 to 5 weeks by committee. Individuals may register but there is no guarantee they will be placed on a team depending on number of players registered and number of leagues/draws per week registered.
Thursday Afternoon - Fixed Teams
1:30pm Thursday
Open to all members, this Fixed-Teams League would be accepting full 4-person teams. - We encourage mixed teams for this draw and also other group combinations and even single sign-ups for those curlers looking to find a team. The Drawmaster will work to help assemble full teams for the League. League size 8 teams.
Thursday Evening/Sunday - Fixed Mixed
6:45 & 9:00pm Thursday and Sundays 2:15 and 4:30 (tentatively set depending on registation)
Open to all members on a team entry basis, must be 2 male and 2 female - team positions must alternate male/female or female/male - depending on number of teams, there will be either one or two draws played on Sundays at 2:15 and 4:30 pm (tentatively until registration is set)
Friday Morning - Fixed Open (Gray Cup)
8:30 & 10:45 am
Open to all members on a team entry basis, individuals may register but there is no guarantee they will be placed on a team
Friday Afternoon - Ladies Development Draw
1:00 pm
Game On, Ladies: Women’s league for curlers who want to improve skills and knowledge of the game. Lots of playing time; instant on-ice feedback from experienced mentors; a chance to play every position, from lead to skip, in a relaxed, non-competitive atmosphere – and plenty of fun, too! N.B. This is regular league curling, not drop-in.
Friday Evening - Mixed Social Draw
6:45 & 9:00 pm
Individual entries, open to all Members, teams formed by committee. This is a good option for newer, less experienced members as they can gain experience and develop skill levels in a less competitive environment. New members get to play with several different team mates during the year so they integrate more quickly into the Club.
Sunday Morning - Mixed Social Draw
11:15am (Until Christmas then possibly 9am and 11:15am)
Individual entries, open to all members, - teams reformed every 4 - 5 weeks by committee.
This is a good option for newer, less experienced members as they can gain experience and develop skills in a less competitive environment. New members get to play with several different team mates during the season so they can meet other curlers and more easily integrate into the Club.
Sunday Afternoon - Fixed Mixed(Thurs Fixed Mixed for Teams, Schedules & Standings)
2:15pm & 4:30pm
Open to all members on a team entry basis, individuals may register but there is no guarantee they will be placed on a team. - depending on number of teams,
9am (Until Christmas)
This ten week on ice program is aimed at people that have not curled before but would be interested in learning or may have curled previously and would like a refresher. It will cover all aspects of the game from technique and strategy to the physics of the sport. The course will include the etiquette and social side of curling and is a great way to experience a quintessentially Canadian sport.
The course runs every Sunday morning from 9:00 am - 11:00 am starting October 20th, 2024 and ending December 22nd, 2024 with the opportunity to safely socialize afterwards.
NOTE: This is a VERY popular program and can only accommodate a maximum number of 32 curlers based on a first come first served basis. If you are interested in this program and would like to be added to a priority list before registration opens in early September, please send an email to with your name, email and phone number and we will contact you when registration opens up.